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Through the study of English students learn about the power, value and art of the English language for communication, learning and enjoyment. Developing proficiency in English enables students to become confident communicators, critical and imaginative thinkers and lifelong learners. Students develop their language skills through activities involving speaking and listening, reading and writing, and viewing and representing. They learn about language and literature through working with a wide range of print, spoken, visual, media, multimedia and digital texts.

At St Joseph’s, we have a two hour Literacy block each day. We start the day with Spelling Groups K-6. Children work in graded groups working on spelling activities designed by the staff to instil the foundations of good spelling in each child. Children are graded each term to allow for progress through the groups. Each class group takes part in reading and writing activities – with skills explicitly taught and time allowed for practise of skills. 2018 NAPLAN results indicate all children are at or above National Minimum Standard in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar. Staff take part in professional development activities that target their teaching in these important areas.

Staff and students have access to a contemporary Library collection to enhance their learning in English. Students attend a one hour Library lesson each week. All students K-6 have a Reading Eggs and Typing Tournament account to enhance their digital skills in English. These accounts are paid for by the school and the children can access both accounts at home if they wish.